Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Reading : as an exercise

It is no doubt a fact that habit of reading is declining between all age groups. Due to the influences of Science and technology, method and channels of communication is becoming so sharp and speedy, where  a book is gradually loss its  status of channel of communication of culture for generations.

It is a maze  situation.  Actually, the value of a book is immense and  the charm of reading a book (physically) can't be entertained by anything else. Reading a book can not only develop our knowledge of the content, but also develop our mental health(instead of emitting toxic Gases).

It is our responsibility to develop the hobby of reading among our wards right from our home. Keep  gifting your kids with books often and of course start reading yourself( Remember the story of Hazarat Md).

We, MDKG College Library, Dibrugarh have been exercising two distinct programme to promote reading habit among our students, viz. (1)  Best User Award and (2) MDKG Book Club
It will not  be enough for  a RENAISSANCE     .http://sites.google.com/site/librarymdkgc

1 comment:

  1. good idea. provosion of reading in atleast in one class at scholl level will work.
